Targeted Marketing
Our first filter is focusing on the “right” travelers, and relevant content.
Our performance-based platform is the leading centralized online source for travelers to request free travel print and digital guides to destinations in the U.S. and Canada they are interested in visiting.
We offer destinations the most simple, efficient, and lowest cost method to generate validated active travelers leads seeking to visit your destination.
Our multi-tiered filtering and validation process to make sure we deliver the highest quality leads to our partners.
Travelers come to our focused sites seeking more information and travel guides to help in their travel planning and ultimately decide where to visit, what to do and how long to stay.
Educate, inspire, and engage travelers to ultimately visit and experience your destination.
Tell us more about your destination, audience, metrics and goals, etc. so we can best help.
You tell us how many leads you want, and preferred period of time.
Provide us an image of your guide, brief description, link to site and digital download of your guide.
If you have any trouble finding answers to your questions,
feel free to contact us. A partner manager will be happy to help you.